ACCT & STAR Scholars

Author Invitation

Mapping Community Colleges Around the World: Comparative Perspectives and Collaborative Pathways

The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and the STAR Scholars Network invite expressions of interest from authors for contributions to an upcoming series of briefs on community colleges and similar institutions around the world.

The series will consist of four briefs, each of which will include 8-10 short articles (approximately 1,200 – 1,500 words per article). We welcome submissions in the form of research articles, in-depth case studies (at the institutional, national, or regional level), policy analyses, and theoretical pieces that contribute to the understanding and advancement of community college systems and collaborations worldwide.

The following topics will comprise the four briefs. Articles for each brief should address one or more of the sub-topics indicated.

a. Core missions and roles

b. Student populations served

c. Funding models

d. Government (regional, national, local) support and oversight

e. Local engagement and economic impact

f. Governance structures

a. Innovative collaboration between colleges/systems and industry partners.

b. Government (regional, national, local) policies and funding opportunities.

c. Fields critical to economic development and college programs/curricula that support them.

d. Labor market outcomes and success metrics.

e. Developing student global competencies required for workforce success.

a. Successful collaborative programs (student exchange, faculty teaching, etc.).

b. Government (regional, national, local) programs and support for collaborative activity.

c. Community college-specific challenges and solutions.

d. Student learning outcomes and community impact.

a. Responding to emerging workforce needs.

b. Policy developments, priorities, and recommendations.

c. Frameworks and strategies for scaling global collaboration.

d. Additional emerging opportunities and challenges.

For consideration, please complete the form below:

Based on the description in the call for author expressions for interest, in which brief will your proposed article fit best? (Select ONE)
Foundations and evolution of community colleges worldwide
Workforce development
Global community college partnerships
Future directions and opportunities
Will defer to the editors to determine
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