Fact Sheets

Fact sheets of federal legislation or regulations impacting community colleges.

118th Congress

A Stronger Workforce for America Act (November 2024)

Fiscal Year 2024 Federal Appropriations (April 2024)

A Stronger Workforce for America Act (April 2024)

Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act (January 2024)

Jobs to Compete Act (May 2023)

Promoting Employment and Lifelong Learning (PELL) Act (May 2023)

JOBS Act of 2023 (May 2023)

Workforce/Short-Term Pell in the 118th Congress (April 2023)


117th Congress Fact Sheets 

116th Congress Fact Sheets

115th Congress Fact Sheets

114th Congress Fact Sheets

113th Congress Fact Sheets

112th Congress Fact Sheets

111th Congress Fact Sheets


Fact sheets for the 111th - 117th Congress coming soon.