Regional Nominating Committees for the nomination of Directors of the Association shall be composed of five members each. These members shall be elected from the Voting Members of that region at caucuses held during the Annual Community College Leadership Congress of the Association. No more than one member shall be from the same state. Vacancies shall be filled by the regional chair. A member of the Board of Directors cannot serve as a member of a Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee member, in order to be interviewed by the Nominating Committee, must tender his/her resignation in writing to the regional chair postmarked 30 days prior to the scheduled Nominating Committee meeting. Nominating Committee members shall serve for two years on staggered terms. They may serve more than one term, but terms may not be consecutive. The chair of each Nominating Committee shall be elected by the respective Nominating Committee at the close of the Regional Caucus.
The Nominating Committees shall meet and nominate one or more nominees for Director from that region. Three members of the Nominating Committee shall constitute a quorum. Nominating Committee members must be present in order to vote. A Nominating Committee member may sit in review of a candidate who is a fellow trustee from his or her Voting Member district, but may not participate in the voting for that candidate.
Nominations of candidates for Directors-at-Large may be made in writing by Voting Members or Regional Nominating Committees by submission of such name or names to the president no later than July 1 of that year.
Committee Meetings (Interviews)
Regional Nominating Committee meetings are scheduled annually in conjunction with the Community College National Legislative Summit that takes place in Washington, DC. Committee members receive an interview schedule and candidate information prior to the meeting(s). All related expenses related to attending the meeting are the college’s responsibility.
If you are interested in serving on a Regional Nominating Committee, please email [email protected] to contact your regional chair:
Central Regional Chair
Amanda Howland
College of Lake County, IL
Northeast Regional Chair
Sheila Ireland
Community College of Philadelphia, PA
Pacific Regional Chair
Nan Gomez-Heitzeberg
Kern Community College District, CA
Southern Regional Chair
Anay Abraham
Miami Dade College, FL
Western Regional Chair
Dan Mims
San Jacinto College, TX