How do I join the Student Trustee Advisory Committee?
To join the committee, you must fill out the online application that includes a letter of support from your college and submit a letter of support from your college. Your application cannot be accepted without the letter of financial support from your college.
Who can serve on the Student Trustee Advisory Committee?
To serve on the committee, you must be a current student trustee at your college. In addition, your college must be a member of ACCT. Please note: You must be able to attend at least one national meeting during your term to serve on the committee.
How are student trustees appointed?
Student trustees that submit their application by the application deadline and meet all of the criteria will be appointed to the committee.
How often does the committee meet?
Committee members should be able to attend two in-person meetings - one at the ACCT Leadership Congress in the fall and the second at the Community College National Legislative Summit in Washington, DC in February. The committee meets by phone and electronically as needed to conduct its business.
How long can I serve on the committee?
Committee service generally coincides with service on your local board (usually a one-year term). There are also a limited number of seats for student trustees who wish to continue to serve on this committee as alumni members once the term on their local board expires. In either case, each student trustee must reapply each year. As the association is unable to financially support committee membership, alumni members are responsible for securing financial support for continuing as committee members.
What are the goals of the committee?
The Committee will provide insight on student issues and perspectives to the ACCT board and ACCT management regarding:
- Public policy issues and trends affecting students;
- Perspectives on how ACCT programs and services can reflect student voices;
- Opportunities to engage student leaders in advancing ACCT’s advocacy goals and objectives; and
- Service as student ambassadors at ACCT meetings and events.
Does ACCT cover travel costs and hotel expenses for attendance at committee meetings?
ACCT is unable to cover travel costs and hotel expenses at this time.
Are former student trustees able to serve on the committee?
There are a limited number of seats for student trustees who wish to continue to serve on this committee as alumni members once the term on their local board expires. In either case, each student trustee must reapply each year. As the association is unable to financially support committee membership, alumni members are responsible for securing financial support for continuing as committee members.
When will I know if I am selected to be appointed to the committee?
Once you complete your online application, you will receive a confirmation email welcoming you to the committee. If we have additional questions or issues, we will contact you.
Is there any preparation required before a meeting?
Yes. Committee members can log in to the member portal for past committee notes and other relevant information related to the committee. Your staff liaison will be in contact with you throughout the year to keep you abreast of any other relevant information.
What happens if I miss committee meetings?
Since the committee only meets twice a year in-person, missing a committee meeting would limit your ability to effectively serve. If you are concerned about your attendance at committee meetings, please contact your staff liaison, Karen Lomax [email protected] before the meeting.
I have a question that was not addressed in the FAQ. Where can I find more information about the committee?
For additional questions, please contact Karen Lomax at [email protected].