Dr. Bradley Ebersole has served as an executive search and board retreat consultant for ACCT for nearly six years. During that time, he has facilitated approximately 35 board and executive development retreats, a pre-conference Leadership Academy, and a pre-conference workshop on ‘Pathway to the Presidency, all with excellent reviews. In addition, he has facilitated six president/executive searches each of which resulted in the successful hire of an individual possessing the professional background and personal characteristics to match the unique culture of each college.
Dr. Ebersole enjoyed a 41-year full-time career in community college education that culminated in a six- year tenure as president at Washington State Community College, Ohio. During his career Ebersole, himself a community college graduate (1973), taught sociology, held positions in workforce development, was part of a team of administrators that started a new community college (Carroll Community College, Md.), and was instrumental in the movement to consolidate three community colleges into a single system at The Community College of Baltimore County. As vice chancellor for academic affairs at Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC) he was engaged in leading a mid-sized college of 8,000 students in a time of exponential enrollment growth of 30%. Twice in his career, once as vice chancellor for academic affairs at BRCC and again as president at Washington State Community College, he was charged with strategically implementing significant improvement of campus climate and organizational culture. Dr. Ebersole is a certified mediator, has provided training in conflict resolution, and has significant expertise and experience in accreditation and international education. He has lived and taught outside of the US for three years, primarily in Japan and Europe.
While serving as a community college president in Ohio Dr. Ebersole was voted as chair-elect of the Ohio Association of Community College’s (OACC) President’s Council and served on several commissions of the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). He was a member of the search committee for the OACC president and was engaged in the establishment of an innovative student success funding formula as directed by the governor of the state of Ohio. Throughout his career he has assumed a variety of professional leadership roles.
For an institution involved in an executive search or board development, Dr. Ebersole, as a former community college student and president, brings in-depth understanding regarding the mission and operation of community colleges. As president he guided the institution, following a very difficult time, to a place of stability and well-being through improved strategies of communication, initiating a structured and comprehensive planning processes, rectifying accreditation concerns, and implementing a budget management system that was transparent and responsible, yet at the same time incenting institutional advancement. The board of trustees was appropriately involved in this transformation as the end result of stability and advancement was their directive. As Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, he was called upon to build a sense of institutional confidence and trust within a faculty body that was unsettled.
Through his professional experience and personality as a listener, mediator, and problem solver Dr. Ebersole has demonstrated success at garnering support and confidence of boards and presidents as together they identify and strive to meet goals related to increased effectiveness and on-boarding, or in the critical process of quality executive recruitment and hiring. He is thoroughly versed in this comprehensive process.
Dr. Ebersole currently serves on the board of an HBCU foundation, is on the Board of Trustees of a private/independent K-12 school and is past president of a Rotary club. As a consultant for the Association of Community College Trustees he continues to actively contribute to the development of the community college mission.