John Lukas
Central Regional Chair

John Lukas is retired as Vice President of LDI Industries, Inc., a family owned business.  He is Owner/Manager of JSL Real Estate and Abbey Ridge LLC’s.  JSL Real Estate is a multi-facility and land leasing/rental opportunity with six different locations.  Abbey Ridge LLC’s is a multiple entity for sub division and condo association development and rental opportunities.  In recognition of his commitment to technical education, he has been awarded with the Youth Apprentice Business Partner of the Year for Manitowoc County, Governor’s Exemplary Employer Award, LTC’s Apprenticeship Medallion Award and Educational Leadership Award. Lukas is also active as a member on program advisory committees, the Lakeshore Area School to Work Consortium, and the Chambers Workforce Development Committee. He currently serves on the District Boards Association (DBA) Internal committee and is the chair of the insurance consortium for the DBA.  Lukas is also on the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) Public Policy and Advocacy Committee and has been a member of the ACCT Board of Directors for the past three years.