ACCT Association Awards

ACCT's Association Awards recognize the tremendous contributions made by trustees, student success programs, chief executive officers, faculty members, and professional board staff members.  Those honored at the national level received regional-level recognition in their respective categories earlier in the year.  The regional-level awardees were the sole contenders for the national-level ACCT Association Awards.  

M. Dale Ensign Trustee Leadership Award

The ACCT Board of Directors annually honors an individual who has made a significant contribution as a lay trustee toward promoting the community college concept. The award is named after one of ACCT’s pioneers and the third president of the association. M. Dale Ensign was a trustee for many years at Northwest Community College in Powell, Wyoming. He served as ACCT President while the move from the National Schools Boards Association was undertaken in 1972. He has lived a lifetime in the service of others. The ACCT Board of Directors thought it only fitting to honor him by naming the trustee award after him.

Impact and Success Award

This award recognizes exemplary commitment by a governing board or governing board and president of an ACCT member two-year postsecondary institution board or state board for two-year postsecondary institutions to achieve impact and success in the college’s education programs and services and in the administration and delivery of those programs and services.

Marie Y. Martin Chief Executive Officer Award

ACCT annually takes the opportunity to recognize formally the tremendous contributions being made by community college chief executive officers. This formal recognition comes through the Chief Executive Officer Award.

The award is named in honor of Marie Y. Martin, whose professional career epitomizes positive influence on the community college movement at all levels. Martin formerly served as director of the Community College Unit, U.S. Office of Education, and as a chief executive in the Los Angeles Community District. The Marie Y. Martin Chief Executive Officer Award is given by ACCT in recognition of chief executive officers who demonstrate commitment to excellence in advancing the community college movement.

William H. Meardy Faculty Member Award

ACCT recognizes the central purpose of our community colleges is teaching and learning; and achievement of excellence in that purpose relates directly to the quality of our faculty. Therefore, ACCT annually presents its Faculty Member Award to say "thank you" to all faculty members.

The award is named in honor of ACCT’s founding executive director, William H. Meardy, who championed the concept of faculty excellence as the foundation of success of the community college movement.

Association Professional Board Staff Member Award

The Professional Board Staff Member Award was first awarded in 2001 and is presented to any board staff member of an ACCT member two-year post-secondary institution or state system of two-year post-secondary institutions in recognition of exemplary service to boards.

Current Association Awards Recipients

ACCT announced the recipients of its annual Association Awards for community college trustees, student success programs, chief executive officers, faculty members, and professional board staff members during the ACCT Leadership Congress in October. Awardees were announced live on ACCT's Twitter @CCTrustees.

2024 M. Dale Ensign Trustee Leadership Award

Judy Chen Haggerty 

Mt. San Antonio College, CA

2024 Charles Kennedy Equity Award

Joliet Junior College, Illinois

2024 Marie Y. Martin Chief Executive Officer Award 

Christy Ponce

Temple College, TX

2024 William H. Meardy Faculty Member Award 

John Sands

Moraine Valley Community College, Il 

2024 ACCT Association Professional Board Staff Member Award 

Perla Molina *

Dallas College, TX

View the past Association Awards winners here.