Dr. Connie Green is president emeritus of Tillamook Bay Community College. She retired from there in May 2017. Dr. Green is a coach for Achieving the Dream since 2017. She consults with Tribal Colleges and Universities in Project Success as well as other ATD Network colleges. She also provides consulting and facilitation services to organizations in Oregon and Washington. She was interim President at Blue Mountain Community College in 201/2019 and again in 2021.
Throughout her career, Dr. Green has dedicated her skills in organizational development, planning, and problem-solving expertise towards student success. In that context, students and community college professionals have recognized her as a significant influence in furthering the mission of community colleges and student success.
Dr. Green has served on numerous boards in the fields of education, economic development, business and community development. Her leadership has been recognized by her peers in community colleges, workforce and community leadership.
Dr. Green continues to facilitate difficult conversations and assist in shared resolution and future visioning and planning in a variety of diverse contexts. Her lifetime commitment to promoting hope, access, and achievement for all students has guided her life, career, and choice of time commitments since retiring.