Join a Committee

ACCT Board Committees



Get Involved

The ACCT Board of Directors is informed by the following committees, each of which represents the voices of ACCT member trustees throughout the world:

Board Committees

Board committees are finalized and new members are announced by December 1st of each year. Committees meet in person twice each year at the Community College National Legislative Summit and the Annual Leadership Congress. Committee business may also be done electronically as needed.


Click here to apply to serve on an ACCT committee.


If you submitted a committee application and would like to inquire about your application status, contact Karen Lomax


If you did not submit an application prior to the November 1 deadline, please consider applying to serve on an ACCT committee next year. We will begin accepting applications for 2026 committee service in the new year.


Board Committee FAQs

ACCT Board Policy states that the ACCT Chair will appoint committees. In making appointments, the chair will consider regional representation, gender, and diversity. Each committee chair shall be a member of the board of directors.

Members may be appointed to a committee under the following conditions:

  1. They shall be selected from voting members.
  2. They may serve three consecutive one-year terms per committee.
  3. No more than one associate member from a college shall serve on any one board committee.
  4. All related expenses are the responsibility of their college.
  5. They have full voting rights.
  6. They shall have a letter of nomination from their board supporting the appointment to an ACCT committee