November 10, 2022
Through funding made possible by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and in partnership with the Rural Community College Alliance (RCCA), the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) is working to strengthen rural community colleges. Our project builds on ACCT’s prior work through the Strengthening Rural Community Colleges report that engaged rural community college presidents and trustees to gather information about the challenges faced by these institutions. One of the findings of this work was that rural colleges did not feel that they had a way to connect with one another to share ideas and discuss issues. They also expressed concern over the many barriers to accessing federal grant funding.
One of the components of our project is the creation of a Rural Community College Peer Learning Network, which serves as a way for rural community college leaders to share best practices, institutional experiences, and processes. The Rural Community College Peer Learning Network serves in conjunction with our monthly webinars and an opportunity to learn directly from other rural community colleges. Also, this is an opportunity for rural community colleges to learn how similar institutions operate while providing supportive resources to potentially utilize.
During this Rural Community College Peer Learning Network discussion, we will bring together rural community college leaders to learn about the process of applying for SNAP E&T funding, potential tips from current/previous grant recipients, and the specific SNAP E&T programs that help reduce barriers to work by providing individuals with support services as they prepare for and obtain employment. This Peer Learning Network discussion will follow our Thursday, October 13, 2022, SNAP Employment and Training webinar.
Rural Community College Peer Learning Network Meeting Details
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. ET
Access the article about this Peer Learning Network discussion SNAP Employment and Training here.
Speaker Information
Karen Jack
KEYS Project Facilitator
Butler County Community College
Karen Jack has been the Program Coordinator for the Butler County Community College KEYS program for a decade. Butler Community College has six campuses in five rural counties in Pennsylvania: Butler, Armstrong, Lawrence, Jefferson, and Mercer.
Deanna Jodon-Ickes
KEYS Program Coordinator
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Deanna Jodon-Ickes has been the Program Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Highlands Community College for a year. PA Highlands Community College has six campuses in four rural counties in Pennsylvania: Cambria, Somerset, Huntingdon, and Blair.
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