ACCT has partnered with the Center for the Study of Community Colleges (CSCC) to conduct a landmark Survey of Community College Trustees.
The findings of this survey will help us to better understand the individuals who serve on community college boards today, as well as their interests and their concerns. Your participation is essential.
We strongly urge every trustee on your college's board to complete this survey.
Take the Survey
Why are we doing the 2024 Community College Trustee Survey?
Every five to ten years, ACCT conducts a comprehensive survey of community college board members to determine who trustees are and what concerns, interests and motivates them. The survey is the primary basis for understanding community college boards as well as priorities, challenges, and other trends across the community college sector over time. The findings are of great importance to ACCT's membership as well as to researchers and policymakers. It is therefore vitally important that we collect as many responses as possible so that the data are as comprehensive and representative as possible. This is why we ask you and your colleagues to invest your time in completing the survey.
This year, ACCT has partnered with the CSCC to co-design the survey and to conduct an in-depth analysis of survey responses. CSCC's mission is to improve community college effectiveness and student success by engaging in and supporting research related to community college practice and policy. Together, ACCT and CSCC have revised the survey to capture the most pressing concerns of today, and to allow for comparisons with Vaughan and Weisman's 1997 national surveys of trustees, board chairs, and college presidents, which were published by ACCT in the book Community College Trustees: Leading on Behalf of Their Communities.
Human Subjects Research approval information can be found here:
As with any online survey, there is a slight risk of data being intercepted by a third party from the site hosting data collection (Survey Monkey), but that risk is minimized by Survey Monkey’s extensive security controls.
Results from the new survey will be published and shared with community college trustees, leaders, and scholars beginning in 2025.