
News and announcements from the Association of Community College Trustees. For press inquiries, contact David Conner

ACCT Statement on Gainful Employment and Financial Value Transparency Rule

The Association of Community College Trustees gives away 20-25 complimentary board services to members annually.

Entry Forms Due August 15

2023 ACCT Regional Awards Recipients Announced

Community colleges foster low-income student success and rural economic development through USDA Food and Nutrition Service SNAP Employment and Training Programs

Richard Fukutaki and Carol Del Carlo Join ACCT Executive Committee Elections Held During Board of Directors Retreat in San Antonio, Texas

The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) is excited to announce the release of a new logo to represent Community College Month (#CCMonth), designed by Quantanik Norton (pictured), a student from Oakland Community College.

The Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) and the National Head Start Association (NHSA) announced today that they will partner to increase free on-campus Head Start and Early Head Start slots on U.S. community college campuses. This partn

ACCT Board Chair Rose Benavidez appointed Bonnie Soria Najera, a trustee from El Paso Community College in Texas, to serve a one year term on the ACCT Board of Directors, in December.