Year 1
- Attend the Governance Leadership Institute for New Trustees. (August)
- Read Trusteeship in Community Colleges: A Guide for Effective Governance.
- Read new and back issues of Trustee Quarterly magazine.
- Complete the Governance 101 online course on ACCT Connect.
- Use ACCT Connect to learn more in-depth and nuanced information about how to govern your college, and connect with peer trustees to build your network and troubleshoot challenges.
- Attend the ACCT Leadership Congress to meet connections in person and to learn from presentations and peer-to-peer discussions. (fall)
Years 2-3
- Attend the ACCT Leadership Congress.
- Participate in the Governance Leadership Institute on the board chair role. (March)
- Keep reading Trustee Quarterly.
- Continuing networking and accessing educational content on ACCT Connect.
By Year 6
- Contribute content to ACCT Connect and become and trustee mentor on ACCT Connect to help new trustees understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Present at the ACCT Leadership Congress.
- Join an ACCT committee.